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信息索引:GJ-2015-0109027公开目录:对外交流与合作信息 - 留学生管理

  为了严肃校纪,加强对外国留学生考试行为管理,促进学风建设,根据我校学籍管理有关制度和办法,特制定本细则。This regulation is made according to related regulations of enrolling students in Northwest A&F University to preserve school discipline and rigorous examination regulation for international students in examination.

  一、凡有下列行为者,以违犯考试纪律论处,扣除其该门课程成绩20分,并给予通报批评。扣分后,成绩不及格者,按国际学院相关管理办法中的规定处理。Examinees who are caught by one of the following behaviors will be given a criticism by circulating a notice, and 20 score will be deducted out of the final score. If the student will fail the exam after deduction, he/she will be treated by the related regulations of CIE.

  1.考试前不按规定就座者; Students who do not sit at the  designated seats before exam.  

  2.开考后座位上有不准携带的书籍、笔记等物品者; Students who put necessary stationeries, books or notes on the seat during exam. 

  3.考试中不经监考教师同意互借文具者;  Students who borrow stationeries form others without the agreement from the invigilator during exam.

  4.考试中或交卷时交头接耳、左顾右盼者; Students who talk with others and peer at other's paper during the exam or at the time handing the exam paper. 

  5.考试中随意走动和进出考场者; Students who walk in the examination room or leave the examination room during exam.

  6.考试结束后,监考教师收卷时迟迟不肯交卷者; Students who do not hand in the exam paper when time is over.

  7.交卷后在考场及其附近逗留、高声谈论、喧哗,影响他人考试者; Students who linger around the examination room and make noise in and around the examination room after the exam .

  8. 考试后因成绩不及格纠缠教师要求加分者; Students who keep badgering the teachers to get extra marks after the exam. 

  二、考试中有下列行为,以作弊论处,该门课程成绩以零分计,并按学校有关规定给予相应处分,该门课程重修。Students who exhibit the following behaviors during examination will be considered cheating, and will be given a disciplinary action notice according to the rules of the university. The course records to zero, and the students should retake this course.

  1.开考后发现带有夹带者;(无论是否已经翻阅抄看过)Students who carry things disallowed in the examination room.

  2.考试中传递纸条或交换试卷者; Students who hand over scripts relevant to the test content or exchange test paper during exam.

  3.考试中偷看别人试卷或有意让别人偷看者; Students who copy or peep the test content from others and show the test paper to other students during exam.

  4.已起身交卷复改动试卷者; Students who change the answers when handing the paper. 

  5.有其它作弊行为者;Students with other violations in the examination room. 

  三、处理程序 Handling Procedure  

  监考教师要认真做好考场记录,详实记录考试违纪或作弊的事实,经主考教师签字(考试作弊的必须连同作弊物证、作废试卷)于本门课程考试结束后送交国际学院汉语教研室。 The invigilator should record the process of examination carefully. The irregularities and cheating records signed by the invigilator should be recorded detailed and sent to Division of Chinese Teaching and Research after the exam accompany with the evidence of cheating and the void paper.

  四、违犯本细则中有关规定的外国留学生,必须写出深刻的书面检查,实事求是地承认错误。students violated the relevant provisions of this regulation should write a profound self-criticism and admit mistakes. 

  五、本细则自公布之日起执行,由国际学院负责解释。These provisions come into effect from the date of release. CIE is responsible for the explanation.

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