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信息索引:GJ-2015-0109026公开目录:对外交流与合作信息 - 留学生管理

  一、外国留学生应按时参加考试。凡因病、因事不能参加考试,必须在考试前由本人向汉语教研室提出书面申请(因病者须持有关医院证明、因事者须持请假报告),经学院批准后,方可缓考。每学年缓考课程数不得超过该学年所修课程总数的二分之一。缓考外国留学生应于新学期开始前参加该门课程的补考,并交纳相关考试费用。International students should take exams on time. In case of absence from exam due to illness and private affairs, student should submit a prior statement (a certain certificate from the doctor or leave applications of personal affairs) to Division of Chinese Teaching and Research, and student can take delayed exam after getting a permission from CIE. The number of delayed exam courses should not exceed half of the taken courses. Students who take delayed exams should take part in the make-up exams at the beginning of the new semester, and pay the examination fees.


  二、未按规定的程序、时间办理缓考的外国留学生,或无故不参加考试的外国留学生,以旷考论处,该门课程成绩以零分记,并于次年参加重修。Students who do not take the exam without a permission from CIE, or without any excuse will be deemed as absence from the exam. The course records to zero, and the student should retake this course.

  三、外国留学生参加考试必须持本人学生证或校园卡提前10分钟进入考场。考试开始15分钟后不得进入考场,且该门课程以旷考论处。All Students must take their Students’ ID cards along with the relevant materials in the course of the examinations. Enter into the examination room 10 minutes earlier. Students 15 minutes late after exam commencement will not be allowed to take part in the exam, and will be deemed as absence from the exam.

  四、外国留学生参加考试,除任课教师指定的考试用具外,不得将书籍、笔记本物品带入考场(开卷考试除外)。若携带上述物品时,必须按监考教师指定的地点集中存放。Except for the necessary stationeries, other articles such as books, notes are not allowed in the examination room (except for the open-book examination). If any Student is found with these articles, they must isolate them before the exam begins.

  五、考试实行单人单桌。外国留学生进入考场后,必须按照监考教师的指令就坐,并将考试证放置在桌面上方,接受监考教师查验。Students should pay attention to their seat numbers and sit accordingly in the course of an examination. Each student should be seated at his/her designated seats and place their Students’ ID cards on the top of desks for a routine check by invigilator and inspection staffs.

  六、考试开始30分钟后准许交卷,交卷时应举手示意,待监考教师收取后方可离开考场。交卷后应立即离开考场,不得在考场及周围逗留、谈论、高声喧哗,影响他人考试。Students are not allowed to leave the examination room during the first 30 minutes. Students who hand in the exam paper in advance should leave examination room immediately, please don’t linger around or even make noise in and around the examination room.

  七、外国留学生因试题字迹不清楚需提问时,应举手示意,由主考教师当众说明。其他一律不得要求监考教师作提示。If there has similar situation such as unclear writing, wrong printing of the test paper etc., the students can ask by showing of hands, but they are not allowed to require the invigilator to make any explanation and prompt of the meaning.

  八、外国留学生考前应做好准备。考试期间不得随意走动和进出考场,如因特殊情况中途必须离开考场,须经监考教师许可。Students should make good preparation for the exam. During the examination, the students are not allowed to walk in and out of the examination room. Students who have to leave the examination room due to urgent situations should get a permission from the inspection staffs.

  九、考试中不得交头接耳、左顾右盼。严禁代考、换卷、偷看、夹带、传递、抄袭等任何形式的作弊行为。During the examination, the students are not allowed to talk to each other; not allowed to read books, notes and other materials in the close-book examination; not allowed to peep at others test paper and not allowed to switch the test paper.

  十、考试宣布结束后,立即停止答卷,整理试卷,待监考教师收取并许可后才可离开考场。 Students should stop answering the paper when time is over, as the examiner declares. Leave your seat when the papers are all collected.

  十一、外国留学生应自觉遵守考试纪律,一旦发现考试违纪或作弊行为,将严格按照《国际学院外国留学生考试违纪与作弊处理细则》中的有关规定予以严肃处理。Students should comply with the examination disciplines, and the one cheating in the exam will be dealt with seriously according to the Measures for Handling Violation in Examination for INTERNATIONAL STUDENTs in College of International Education.

  十二、考试成绩不合格的外国留学生,应于新学期开始前参加该门课程的补考,并交纳相关考试费用。补考仍不合格的外国留学生应于次年重修该门课程。Students who fail the exam should take make-up examinations at the beginning of the new semester, and pay the examination fees. If the student do not pass the make-up exam, he/she should retake the failed course in the next year.

  十三、补考费用按我校相关规定执行,即按补考课程学分数每学分人民币40元收取(汉语课程学分博士生为每门课3学分,硕士生为每门课4学分;中国文化课程学分博士生、硕士生均为每门课3学分)。Make-up examination fees should be paid according to the rules of our university. each credit is 40Yuan. (Chinese language course is 3credits for PhD students and 4credits for Master's degree students; Chinese culture course is 3credits for graduate students (Master's and Doctoral) .

  十四、本规定自公布之日起执行,由国际学院负责解释。These provisions come into effect from the date of release. CIE is responsible for the explanation.

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