第一章 总 则
Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions
第一条 为了维护学院正常的教育教学秩序,提高汉语及中国文化课程教育教学质量,根据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《普通高等学校学生管理规定》、《中国政府奖学金年度评审办法》及学校有关规定,制定本办法。These methods are made according to Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education, Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status and other related rules of the university, to maintain normal teaching order and improve the quality of teaching in Chinese language course and Chinese culture course.
第二条 我校外国留学生各阶段的汉语及中国文化课程均由国际学院组织授课,外国留学生按规定选修相应课程。Every stage of Chinese language courses and Chinese cultures courses are organized and taught by the College of International Education the international students should take corresponding courses as required.
第三条 本办法适用于我校所有外国留学生。This method applies to all the international students in the university.
第二章 考核与成绩
Chapter Ⅱ Assessment and Grade
第四条 汉语类课程及中国文化类课程均分为两个学年授课,其中第一学年无需进行网上选课,考试成绩由国际学院汉语教研室负责统计;第二学年开始时,学生需进行网上选课。两学年所有课程考核成绩合格后,方可获得相应学分。Chinese language courses and culture courses are taken within two academic years. Students do not need to select courses online in the first academic year, and the grades are recorded by Division of Chinese Teaching and Research. At the beginning of the second academic year, students should select courses online. Certain credits are awarded to the students who have completed and passed all the Chinese courses during the two academic years.
第五条 课程考核分为考试、考查两种。考试课成绩采用百分制评定;考查课、实践教学课采用五级分制,即优秀(90-100分)、良好(80-89分)、中等(70-79分)、及格(60-69分)、不及格(60分以下)。The assessments of the courses include examination a non-examination test. The various grades are averaged using the 100 point system, with 60 points being the lowest passing grade. The result of non-examination course and Chinese culture practice course are recorded as Excellent(90-100), Good(80-89), Moderate(70-79), Pass(60-69) and Fail(below 60).
第六条 课程考核成绩严格按照教学大纲考核要求,采取平时考核成绩(含期中测验、作业、中国文化实践报告、课堂讨论、考勤以及课堂表现等)和课程结业考核相结合的方式综合评定。平时考核成绩所占课程总评成绩的比重应不少于30%。体育课程成绩根据学生参加体育课的考勤和课内教学等环节综合评定。对因身体疾病(经有关医院证明)或文化差异的外国留学生,可以申请免修体育课。The semester’s final grade is calculated from the student’s daily grades and a final examination; the daily grades are worth 30% of the final grade while the final examination is worth 70%. (The student’s daily grades include class attendance, homework, classroom performance, as well as the Chinese culture practice report etc.) The grade of PE class include class attendance, and class performance. Due to illness (a certain certificate from the doctor is required) or culture difference, students can be exempted from PE class.
第七条 外国留学生如对本人课程考核成绩有异议,可在本次课程考核成绩公布后两周内向国际学院汉语教研室提出查阅试卷申请,经同意后,予以查阅试卷,逾期不予受理。If Students suspect the score, they should submit an application to Division of Chinese Teaching and Research in the two weeks after the release of the results. Students can search the examination paper when the application is agreed by CIE.
第八条 外国留学生有下列情况之一者,取消其课程考核资格。Students will not allowed to take the exams under any of the following circumstances.
(一)缺课累计超过一门课程教学时数1/3及以上者;Absence from class without prior request for leave totaled up to one-thirds of the teaching hours.
(二)缺交作业或中国文化实践报告超过任课教师布置的1/3及以上者;Missing one-thirds of the assignments and reports of the Chinese culture practice.
第九条 因病住院或外出进行学术考察或代表学校参加各类比赛无法参加考试的外国留学生须在考试前申请缓考,经任课教师同意可予以办理缓考。Students who are in hospital, away from school for academic study or participate competitions for our university can take a delayed exam with the agreement of the teaching faculty.
第十条 外国留学生课程考核不及格,应参加国际学院安排的补考。课程补考一般安排在下学期开学初进行,补考成绩按卷面实际成绩记载。补考仍不及格的须申请随低年级学生跟班重修,学院不单独开设重修班。Students who failed in the exam should take a make-up examination at the beginning of the new semester. The grade of the make-up exam is recorded without a daily grade. Students who failed in the make-up exams should retake the course the next academic year.
第十一条 对于补考后一学年及格课程数未达到该学年应修读课程总数的50%者,不得参加下一阶段的汉语学习,须申请随一年级学生跟班重修所有一年级课程;Students who still failed 50% courses out of all the total exam courses after make-up examination are not allowed to take the second year's Chinese courses, but retake all the courses of the first academic year.
第三章 奖励与处分
Chapter Ⅲ Reward and Punishment
第十二条 对汉语及中国文化学习成绩优异或积极参加学院组织的各项活动并有突出表现的外国留学生,可授予荣誉称号,并获得相应的奖励。Students who are excellent in Chinese study or participate in activities organized by CIE actively will be granted the honorary title and given appropriate rewards.
第十三条 外国留学生因病(事)不能参加教学活动时,须按照相关规定到国际学院办理请假手续。凡未经请假,或请假未经批准擅自离校,或请假逾期未归者,均以旷课论处(旷课1天按6学时计,一周按5天计)。视其旷课时数多少分别给予以下处理:Requests for sick leave or personal leave should be forwarded to the teacher and the general office of CIE in advance. Any leave without request constitutes truancy (1day for 6 teaching hours, five days for one week). The disciplinary punishment will be given according to different circumstance.
(一)一学期内旷课累计达20—29学时者,给予警告处分;Disciplinary warning is given to students who are absence from class without prior request for leave totaled up 20 to 29 teaching hours in one semester.
(二)一学期内旷课累计达30—39学时者,给予严重警告处分;A severe disciplinary warning is given to students who are absence from class without prior request for leave totaled up 30 to 39 teaching hours in one semester.
(三)一学期内旷课累计达40—49学时者,给予记过处分;A demerit is given to students who are absence from class without prior request for leave totaled up 40 to 49 teaching hours in one semester.
(四)一学期内旷课累计达50学时及以上者,给予留校察看处分;A probation is given to students who are absence from class without prior request for leave totaled up to 50 teaching hours in one semester.
第十四条 外国留学生因病(事)不能参加考试,须于课程考试开始前到国际学院汉语教研室办理缓考手续。缓考申请未被批准或未履行任何手续而不参加考试者,一律按旷考对待,旷考课程成绩以“0”分记载,并视旷考情况分别给予以下处理:In case of absence from exam due to illness and private affairs, students should submit a prior statement (a certain certificate from the doctor or leave applications of personal affairs) to Division of Chinese Teaching and Research, and students can take delayed exam after getting a permission from CIE. Students who are absence from exams without a permission from the CIE will be treated as follows, and the result of the course is recorded "0".
(一)一学期旷考2门课程给予警告处分;Disciplinary warning is given to students who do not take 2 of the examinations in one term.
(二)一学期旷考3门课程给予严重警告处分;Severe disciplinary warning is given to students who do not take 3 of the examinations in one term.
(三)一学期旷考4门课程给予记过处分;A demerit is given to students who do not take 4 of the examinations in one term.
(四)一学期旷考5门及以上课程给予留校察看处分;A probation is given to students who do not take 5 of the examinations in one term.
第十五条 外国留学生在课程以及学院组织的各类考试中,须严格遵守考试纪律,违反者,该门课程成绩以“0”分记载。并按照《国际学院外国留学生考试违纪与作弊处理细则》相关规定给予处分。Students should abide by the examination disciplines strictly, and students who violate the regulations will be punished according to Measures for Handling Violation in Examination for INTERNATIONAL STUDENTs in College of International Education, and the grade of the course will be recorded "0".
第十六条 学院在对外国留学生做出处分之前,应充分听取学生或其代理人的陈述和申辩。Any disciplinary action should be taken after a fully defense and statement of the students or the agent of the students.
第十七条 对违纪外国留学生的处理,按学校的相关规定执行。Students who violate the regulations will be punished according to the rules of the university.
第四章 附 则
Chapter Ⅳ Supplementary Provisions
第十八条 其他未尽事宜参见《西北农林科技大学本科生学籍管理办法》及《西北农林科技大学研究生管理规定》。Any unsettled issues shall comply with the Regulations on the Management of Undergraduate Students in Northwest A&F University and the Regulations on the Management of Graduate Students in Northwest A&F University.
第十九条 本办法自发文之日起执行,由国际学院负责解释。These provisions come into effect from the date of release. CIE is responsible for the explanation. |