1、保持宿舍楼道及宿舍内的清洁与卫生。出门前关闭所有电器电源,做到人走灯关,避免发生火情,并检查水龙头等是否关闭,节约用水。Keep the dorm clean. Turn off the entire switch to avoid the fire when leaving. Close up water faucet to save water.
2、爱护校园的公共设施,爱护宿舍教室内的公共设施,损坏公共设施主动赔偿。Treasure the facility in dorm and campus. Pay the compensation if you damage it, and pay 5 multiple of the compensation for the spiteful purpose.
3、不在公共场所尤其是宿舍内大声播放音乐,以免影响他人的休息、学习及正常生活。Any loud noise include music is forbidden in public (especially in dorm) for fear to affect others’ regular life and study.
4、不随意丢放垃圾,保持室外清洁的环境,做文明人,做文明事。Keep a clean environment outside the room, forbidden to throw garbage outside.
5、不在校园、宿舍、教室内吸烟,不做有损自己及他人健康的事,要做文明的好学生。No smoking in campus, dorm and classroom.
6、上课、考试、开会、听报告等活动要关掉手机,以示尊重他人、尊重自己。Turn off cell phone during class, examination, meeting etc.
7、积极参加各种形式的文艺体育活动,为国家争光、为自己赢得荣誉。Participate in various activities actively. |