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信息索引:GJ-2015-0109020公开目录:对外交流与合作信息 - 留学生管理

  为了广大师生包括留学生的人身安全,给附近居民和我校同学一个安静和谐的周边环境,特作如下通知:In order to maintain a safe environment for faculty, students and foreign students, and provide a quiet and peaceful environment for everybody in the area please note the following:

  1、严禁参与任何场所进行的飙车活动;Motorbikes and scooters cannot be ridden on campus. All students and faculty, including foreign students are prohibited from racing or other high speed activities in any location.

  2、凡未上牌上照的摩托车、助动车必须立即依法上牌,无法上牌的请自行处理,一经查获有关部门将予以暂扣;All motorbikes, including light motorbikes, and scooters should immediately apply for legal license plates. if a vehicle is found on campus without legal license plates it will be confiscated by the related department.

  3、目前无牌无证的摩托车、助动车车主应停止使用无牌无证的摩托车、助动车,如再在道路上行驶被公安机关发现将予以扣留;Motorbikes and scooters that have no license should not be used. If they are used on public roads, they will be confiscated by the police.

  4、严禁酒后驾车,严禁无行驶证驾车,一经发现,公安机关将依法处罚,情节严重将予以行政拘留;No drunk driving and no driving without a license. If discovered, offenders will be punished by the police: the most severe punishment is a period of detention。

  5、驾驶无牌无证机动车、无照驾驶机动车、酒后驾车、超速驾车、擅自改装二轮摩托车消音器的行为都将受到处罚。Under the PRC Traffic Safety Law,  driving a motorcycle without a license plate, driving without a drivers license, drunk driving, speeding and tampering with the silencer can result in fines, confiscation of the vehicle and detention of lawbreakers.

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