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信息索引:GJ-2015-0109017公开目录:对外交流与合作信息 - 留学生管理

  为进一步规范外国留学生休学、复学管理工作,根据《西北农林科技大学外国留学生管理细则》,特制定本办法。This Regulations of Suspension for International Students of Northwest A&F University is formulated to further regulate the management of international students’ suspension.

  第一条  有下列情况之一的外国留学生,应予休学:Students should suspend their study if one of the following situations happens:

  (一)因病经指定医院诊断,须停课治疗、休养,且休养时间达学期总学时三分之一以上者;Students are diagnosed by the appointed hospital and need to undergo medical treatment and recuperation, which amounts to one third of the total class hours of a semester.

  (二)一学期请假、缺课超过该学期总学时三分之一者;Students’ sick-leave and other absences amount to one third of the total class hours of a semester. 

  (三)因怀孕生育等特殊原因,本人申请并经学校同意必须休学者;Because of pregnancy or other special reasons, students apply for suspension and get approval from the University.

  第二条  休学一般以一年为期,在校期间休学只限一次;Suspension usually lasts for one year, and students can suspend their schooling only once during their study at the University.

  第三条  中国政府奖学金生因病申请休学,须持医院证明和驻华使馆同意函,向国际学院提出申请,由国际学院报国家留学基金委批准,原则上不允许因事休学;Chinese government scholarship students should bear hospital medical certificate and consent letter of the embassy to China, make an application for suspension to the College of International Education, and obtain approval from China Scholarship Council through the College of International Education if they apply for suspension due to illness. In principle, students of this type are not allowed to suspend their study.

  第四条  休学学生的有关问题,按照下列规定办理:Issues related to suspension should be dealt with in accordance with the following provisions :

  (一)休学的学生应回家治疗修养,休学回家往返路费自理;Suspended students should go home for medical treatment and rehabitation, and students should bear the travel expenses to and from home on their own;

  (二)自费生休学期间的学费不予退还,所缴学费可在复学时延用;Self-funded students cannot refund their tuition fee during the suspension. The fee can be delayed for resumption.

  (三)奖学金生休学期间,奖学金停发。复学时由学生本人申请,经学校报送国家留学基金委批准后,方可继续享受奖学金;Scholarship for students assisted by Chinese governmental scholarship will be suspended during the suspension. When resuming their schooling, students should apply for it by themselves, and obtain approval from the China Scholarship Council through the University, and then they can go on to enjoy their scholarship.

  (四)休学期间外国留学生在校办理的居留许将予以注销;International students’ residence permit will be cancelled during their suspension period.

  (五)休学期间不得参加学校的考试,擅自参加考试成绩无效;休学前所获学分,自休学之日起保留一年;Suspended students should not sit in the University exams. Examination results will be invalid without prior permission. The credits prior to the suspension will retain for one year from the date of suspension.

  (六)休学期间应办理退宿手续,缴清住宿费并及时清理个人物品;Students should check out, pay off accommodation and timely handle their personal belongings during the suspension period.

  (七)休学期间不得申请转入其它学校,否则按自动退学处理;Students shall not apply to transfer to other schools during the suspension period; otherwise they will be automatically expelled.

  第五条  休学期满后应至少在当年开学前1个月向国际学院提出书面复学申请。When suspension is over, students should apply for resuming their study to the College of International Education at least one month before the semester starts.

  因伤病休学的学生,申请复学时必须同时附由公立(二级以上)医院提供的诊断证明和健康恢复证明,复学按下列规定办理:For students who are on sick-leave, they should submit resumption application together with medical diagnosis and health recovery proof provided by public hospital (Level II and above).

  (一)休学者来华前应申请办理X签证;To resume their schooling, suspended students should apply for their X visa before coming to China, 

  (二)因伤病休学的学生,来校后需先经学校医院复查合格后方可到国际学院办公室办理复学手续;while sick-leave students should be rechecked by the University hospital to confirm health status, and then deal with resumption procedures in the College of International Education.。

  (三)准予复学的学生,原则上应编入下一年级学习。若本人提出免修下一年级课程,经所在专业学院同意后报国际学院、教务处及研究生院备案,可参加该年级有关课程的考核,符合免修条件者,可跟原年级学习;The approved suspended students are in principle arranged to the following grade. If the students want to exempt the courses of the following grade, they should get the consent of the college they stay, and report to the College of International Education, the Office of Academic Affairs and the Graduate School for record by the college. Students can go on with their study in the same grade after passing the assessment of the related courses of the same grade.

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