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信息索引:GJ-2015-0109015公开目录:对外交流与合作信息 - 留学生管理

第一章 总 则

Chapter One General Provisions

  第一条 为维护正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,确保外国留学生良好的学习、生活环境,依据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》等有关规定,结合我校实际,特制定本规定。This regulation is formulated for the purpose of maintaining a normal teaching and living orders and guaranteeing a friendly atmosphere for international students according to the Higher Educational Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens and actual situation of the A&F.

  第二条 对学生违纪行为的处理,要坚持教育为主、教育与处分相结合的原则,做到程序正当,证据充分,依据明确,定性准确,处分适当。Punishment of the violators should observe the guideline that “Education first, Punishment second” and the violator should be treated justly, openly and properly.

  第三条 本规定适用于在我校就读的各类、各层次具有正式学籍的外国外国留学生。This regulation applies to all the registered international students at all levels in the A&F.

第二章 处分的种类和适用

Chapter Two Categories and Applications of Punishments

  第四条 学校对违纪的学生,按照错误的性质和情节轻重,给予批评教育或者纪律处分。处分的种类如下:Any international student who violates the regulation below will be criticized and punished according to the nature and seriousness of the misdoings. The categories of punishment are as follows:


  (二)严重警告Severe warning;

  (三)记过Record of demerit;

  (四)留校察看Being kept in University and under surveillance;

  (五)开除学籍Expelling from University。

  留校察看以一年为期。受留校察看处分的学生,留校察看期间表现良好,可按期解除;有突出贡献的,可提前解除;有违纪行为者,视其情节,给予开除学籍处分。During the surveillance period, a one-year duration, student who are under surveillance could be released ahead of time if they make obvious progress. However, they will be expelled from the University if they refuse to correct or commits other offence.

  第五条 受处分的学生,取消其自受处分之日起一年内参加各种评优、奖学金评定的资格,并按照学校相关规定进行处理。 Students who violate relevant regulations will be disqualified from taking part in the scholarship assessment etc and will be treated according to relevant regulations of the A&F.

  第六条 违纪行为造成的财产损失或人身伤害,由违纪者赔偿损失或者负担相关费用。Cost of any property damage or personal injury caused by discipline violation should be covered by violators.

  第七条 违纪情节轻微,不够处分条件的,责令其做出检查、赔礼道歉、赔偿损失,并给予通报批评。An extension of apology and compensation for loss are still needed apart from a warning if the violation is not serious enough to be punished.

  第八条 违纪者有下列情形之一的,从轻、减轻或者免予纪律处分。Punishment could be lightened, deducted or even be cancelled if the violators are::

  (一)情节较轻的;Those whose violation is not severe;

  (二)主动承认错误并及时改正的;Those who acknowledge their faults actively and correct them timely;

  (三)有立功表现的;Those who have meritorious performance;

  (四)受他人胁迫或者诱骗的;Those who were threatened or deceived to commit an offence;

  (五)其它可从轻处分的情形;Those among other cases that could be treated leniently.

  第九条 违纪者有下列情形之一的,从重给予处分:A severe punishment would be executed if the violators are:

  (一)情节严重的;Those whose violations are severe.

  (二)有较严重后果的;Those whose violations have severe consequences.

  (三)不能认识错误,态度恶劣的;Those who could not realize their faults or refuse to do so with bad attitudes.

  (四)多次违纪的;Those who violate repeatedly.

  (五)对检举人、证人等打击报复的;Those who retaliate against offence reporter or witness.

  (六)在校外违法违纪、败坏学校声誉的;Those who break law or regulation outside of A&F and ruin the reputation of the University.

  (七)教唆、胁迫或者诱骗他人违法、违纪的;Those who instigate, threaten or deceive others to commit an offence.

  (八)威胁、侮辱教职工及其他工作人员的;Those who threaten or insult teaching personnel and other stuffs.

  (九)同时有两种以上的违纪行为的;Those who commit two or more offences at the same time.

  (十)其他应予从重处分的情形;Those among other cases that could be punished severely.

第三章 违纪行为和处分

Chapter Three Discipline Violation and Punishment

  第十条 违反国家法律、法规的学生,受司法或公安部门处罚的,学校给予相应的纪律处分;International students who break Chinese law or regulations and are punished by the judicial department or public security department will be given the following penalties:

  (一)被国家有关机关罚款或警告的,视情节轻重给予严重警告或记过处分;Those who are fined or warned by relevant judicial offices will be given a severe warning or a record of demerit according to the circumstances.

  (二)被公安机关行政拘留,或被司法机关司法拘留的,视情节给予记过以上处分;Those who are detained by public security department or judicial department will at least have a record of demerit according to the circumstances.

  (三)触犯国家法律,构成刑事犯罪的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who break Chinese law and commit criminal offence will be expelled from the University.

  第十一条 有下列影响社会稳定,严重扰乱、破坏社会秩序或学校正常的教育教学、生活秩序的,根据情节轻重,给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。International students whose behaviors as below have affected social stability and disturbed public and teaching orders will be kept in school under surveillance or expelled from the University according to the circumstances;

  (一)违反《中华人民共和国游行示威法》或有关规定,组织、参加未经批准的游行、示威活动,扰乱社会和学校正常秩序,破坏安定团结的;Those who violate the Parade and Demonstration Law of the People’s Republic China and related regulation to disturb normal public orders and affect social stability by organizing or participating in unauthorized parade and demonstration;

  (二)利用大、小字报或散发、张贴各种宣传品,以及采用播放录音、演讲、网络信息等手段,进行造谣、传谣或人身攻击造成恶劣影响或严重后果的;Those who spread rumors to abuse other people and have caused severe consequences by putting up posters, disseminating illegal leaflets, playing records, making speech and spreading internet information;

  (三)煽动、组织、策划罢餐、罢课、罢考、绝食的;Those who incite, organize or plot to refuse to have dinner, have classes and take exams;

  (四)组织成立、加入非法社会团体等组织或从事非法活动,出版非法刊物的;Those who establish or participate in unauthorized social community to engage in illegal activities and publications;

  (五)在校内传教、组织进行宗教活动的;Those who preach or organize religious activity in the University;

  第十二条 打架斗殴、寻衅滋事的,视情节给予相应处分。International students who take part in or start a fight will be given relative punishment as below according to the circumstances:

  (一)打人未造成伤害的,给予警告或严重警告处分;Those who take part in a fight without injuring others will be given a warning or severe warning.

  (二)打人造成他人伤害的,视情节分别给予以下相应处分:Those who injure other people in a fight will be given a punishment as below according to the circumstances:

  1、对他人身体非要害部位造成较轻伤害(如红肿、淤血、无需缝合的皮外伤等)的,给予记过以下处分;对他人身体非要害部位造成多处伤害或要害部位(如头颅、五官、内脏器官、下身等)造成伤害的,给予记过以上处分;Those who cause other people minor injury such as swelling, congestion and slight wound, etc. in non-vital parts will at most have a record of demerit; Those who injure other people severely in non-vital parts or injuries in vital parts such as head, eyes, ears, nose, internal organs and private part, etc. will be given a more severe punishment than a record of demerit;

  2、对他人身体造成严重伤害的(如需缝合的伤口,出现骨折,造成他人当场昏迷不醒、休克等),给予留校察看或开除学籍处分;Those who severely injure other people such as sutured wound, fracture, coma or shock, etc. will be kept in the University under surveillance or expelled from the University.

  (三)打架斗殴为首者,给予留校察看以上处分;Those who provoke fighting will be given a punishment more severe than being kept in the University under surveillance.

  (四)策划、唆使、指使他人打架,或结伙打架者,给予记过或留校察看处分;造成较重后果的,给予留校察看以上处分;Those who plot, goad or incite other people to fight or group fight will have a demerit record or be kept in the University under surveillance or stricter punishment if the consequences are severe;

  (五)虽未参与打架,但挑起或鼓动打架者,给予警告以上处分。参与打架,或虽未参与打架,但致使事态扩大者;或以“劝架”为名偏袒一方,造成伤害后果者,给予记过以上处分;Those who provoke or instigate a fight but not involved in the fight will be given a punishment more severe than a warning. Those who were not involved in the fight but made it worse or bias for one side in the name of mediation will be given a punishment more severe than a record of demerit if the consequences are severe;

  (六)为他人提供凶器,但未造成后果的,给予警告或严重警告处分;造成伤害后果的,给予记过或留校察看处分;造成严重伤害的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who provide weapon for other will be given a warning or severe warning, a record of demerit, kept in the University under surveillance or be expelled from the University if the case is serious.

  (七)对伤势轻重的判定,应视当时伤情确定,医院证明是重要判定依据;The severity of injury should be judged according to the injury details and proof issued by hospital should be taken as important evidence.

  第十三条 严禁学生在校期间酗酒,凡违反者,视情节给予相应处分:It is strictly forbidden for international students to get drunk or to drink excessively. Any violator will be punished according to the circumstances as follows:

  (一)酗酒滋事者,给予记过以下处分;Those who made troubles after getting drunk will at most have a demerit record;

  (二)因酗酒滋事造成严重后果者,给予记过或留校察看处分;Those who cause severe consequences after getting drunk will have a record of demerit or be kept in the University under surveillance.

  第十四条 有下列行为者,视情节轻重,给予相应处分:Any international student whose behavior is one of the cases as below should be punished according to the circumstances:

  (一)非法限制他人人身自由,或侵入他人住宅、宿舍蓄意滋事的,给予严重警告以上处分;Those who confine other people’s personal freedom or make trouble in others’ residence will be given a punishment more severe than a severe warning;

  (二)威胁、侮辱、诽谤他人造成后果的,给予严重警告、记过或留校察看处分;后果严重的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who threaten, insult or slander other people will be given a severe warning, record of demerit or be kept in the University under surveillance or even be expelled from the University if the case is severe.

  第十五条 有偷窃、诈骗、侵占、敲诈勒索、抢夺、(聚众)哄抢公私财物等行为者,给予相应处分。International students who steal, swindle, occupy, blackmail, embezzle or (group) scramble public or private property will be punished according to the circumstances as follows:


  1.对偷窃者,根据作案价值及情节轻重,给予警告以上处分;Theft will be given a warning according to the value of the property and seriousness of circumstance.

  2、多次偷窃者,给予记过以上处分;Those who steal repeatedly will at least be given a record of demerit.

  3.经保卫或公安部门确认有撬窃行为,虽未窃得财物,视其情节,给予记过以上处分;Those whose theft is confirmed as a break-in by public security department will have at least a record of demerit although the target is intact;;

  4.有偷窃公章、机密文件、档案等行为的,视情节轻重,给予记过以上处分;Those who steal official seal, confidential papers and documents will have a record of demerit according to the circumstance;

  (二)为盗窃者提供信息、工具,或进行窝赃、销赃、分赃,或知情不报者,参照偷窃条款,给予相应的处分;Those who provide thief with information and tool or shelter the thief, sell and distribute the stolen goods or harbor the thief intentionally will be given relevant punishments;

  (三)明知是赃物而购买者,给予警告以上处分;Those who buy stolen goods intentionally will at least be given a warning.

  (四)冒领、侵占、诈骗他人钱物者,视情节轻重,给予严重警告以上处分;Those who falsely claim, occupy and blackmail others’ property will at least be given a severe warning according to the circumstance;

  (五)敲诈勒索或参加聚众哄抢者,给予严重警告以上处分;聚众哄抢为首者或积极参与者,给予留校察看以上处分;Those who take part in blackmail or group scrambling will at least be given a severe warning and those who head the group scrambling will be given a punishment more severe than being kept in the University under surveillance;

  第十六条 凡损坏公私财物,或有其他破坏活动的,视情节轻重,给予相应处分。International students who damage public or private property will be given relevant punishment according to the circumstance;

  (一)过失损坏公私财物者,除赔偿损失外,情节较轻者给予批评教育;对情节较重、危害严重的,除赔偿损失外,给予警告或严重警告处分;Those who damage public or private property involuntarily will be criticized and educated as well as returning property and compensating for losses. Those who cause severe circumstance and damage will be given a warning or severe warning as well as returning property and compensating for losses.

  (二)在公共设施、建筑物、公用设备上乱涂、乱写、乱画、乱张贴者,给予警告或严重警告处分;Those who scribble and post arbitrarily on public facility, structure and equipment will be given a warning or severe warning.

  (三)故意损坏公私财物者,除赔偿损失外,给予严重警告以上处分;Those who damage public or private property deliberately will be given a severe warning.

  (四)毁坏学校科研设施,损坏科研成果者,给予记过以上处分;Those who damage the facilities and achievements of scientific research in the University will have a record of demerit;

  (五)在公共场所涂写污秽语言或涂画污秽图像者,给予严重警告以上处分;Those who graffiti obscene or pornographic words or pictures in public places will be given a severe warning.

  第十七条 利用计算机网络扰乱公共秩序的,视情节给予相应处分;International students who disturb public orders by computer or internet will be given relevant punishment:

  (一)在网络上散布虚假信息造成不良后果者,给予记过以上处分;Those who spread false information on internet and the case is severe will have a record of demerit;

  (二)在网络上散布影响安定团结的信息或言论,扰乱社会秩序者,给予记过或留校察看处分;情节严重者,给予开除学籍处分;Those who disturb social order by spreading information or expression that jeopardize social stability and harmony will have a record of demerit or be kept in the University under surveillance or even be expelled from the University if the case is severe;

  (三)对公共计算机信息网络功能进行非法删除、修改、增加、干扰,造成计算机信息网络不能正常运行者,给予记过或留校察看处分;Those who disable or paralyze the public computer network by deleting, modifying, adding and disturbing the normal function of the network will have a record of demerit or be kept in the University under surveillance;

  (四)传播危害国家安全、破坏社会秩序信息者,给予留校察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who disseminate information that hazards national security and disturbs social order will be kept in the University or even be expelled from the University if the case is severe;

  (五)制作、故意传播计算机病毒造成不良后果者,给予留校察看以上处分;Those who cause bad consequence by creating or disseminating computer virus will be given a punishment more severe than being kept in the University under surveillance;

  第十八条 传播、复制、制作、贩卖非法书刊和音像制品的,给予留校察看以上处分。Those who disseminate, copy, create, sell illegal books, magazines and audio& video products will be given a punishment more severe than being kept in the University under surveillance.

  第十九条 进行赌博或为赌博提供条件的,视情节给予相应处分。Those who take part in or facilitate the gambling will be punished according to the circumstance:

  (一)有赌博行为者,给予记过以上处分;提供赌博场所或赌具者,给予严重警告处分;Those who take part in gambling will have a record of demerit; those who provide place and tool for gambling will be given a severe warning;

  (二)多次参与赌博,给予留校察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who take part in gambling repeatedly will be kept in the University under surveillance or be expelled from the University if the case is severe.

  第二十条 违反公寓有关规定妨害管理的,视情节给予相应处分。Those who violate the administrative regulation of international students’ dormitory will be punished.

  (一)私拉乱接电线或安装大功率用电设备,经批评教育不改者,给予警告以上处分;Those who connect electric wires or use high power electric appliances without permission will be given a notice of criticism or will be given warning or a more severe punishment if found again;

  (二)学校规定的休息时间内,在学生宿舍及其附近吹拉弹唱、喧哗吵闹、使用音响器材音量过大或拨打骚扰电话等,经批评教育不改者,给予警告以上处分;During the rest period, those who play instrument, yell, play audio equipments loudly or make annoying phone calls inside or around dormitory will be given a notice of criticism or a warning or more severe punishment if found again.

  (三)从宿舍内向外扔杂物,以及燃放烟花爆竹者,给予严重警告以上处分;Those who throw rubbish outside window and set off fireworks and firecrackers will be given a severe warning or a more severe punishment.

  (四)在宿舍内吸烟、燃烧物品等未造成后果者,予以批评教育;屡教不改或造成严重后果者,给予警告以上处分;Those who smoke or incinerate in dormitory will be criticized and educated; a warning or a more severe punishment will be given if it is found again or has caused severe consequence.

  (五)在宿舍留宿异性,给予警告以上处分;Those who accommodate the other sex will be given a warning or more severe punishment.

  第二十一条 有下列妨害学校安全和管理秩序行为的,视情况给予相应处分。Those who disturb safety and administrative orders will be punished according to the circumstances as follows:

  (一)在教室、实验室、食堂、宿舍或其他公共场所喧闹、起哄、寻衅滋事等,扰乱教学、科研工作秩序和公共场所秩序或损害他人利益者,给予记过以下处分;情节严重的,给予留校察看以上处分;Those who yell, make a fuss or make troubles in classroom, lab, cafeteria, dormitory or other public places to disturb scientific research and public orders will at most have a record of demerit or be given a punishment of being kept in the University under surveillance or a more severe punishment if the case is severe;

  (二)以欺骗、侮辱、威胁、贿赂或其他方法阻碍学校管理人员依法或依校纪校规执行公务者,给予严重警告以上处分;Those who deceive, insult, threaten or bribe administrative personnel to hinder the official business will be given a severe warning or more severe punishment;

  (三)撕毁或涂改学校通告、布告、通知等,妨碍管理工作正常进行者,给予警告以上处分;情节严重的,给予留校察看以上处分;Those who tear up or alter notice or bulletin issued by the University to hinder administration will be given a warning or be kept in the University under surveillance or a more severe punishment;

  (四)张贴、散发虚假或不健康的影视广告、字画、传单等,给予警告或严重警告处分;Those who put up and spread false and obscene advertisement, picture or leaflet, etc. will be given a warning or severe warning;

  (五)贩卖或携带匕首、三棱刀、弹簧刀或者其他管制器械者,给予记过以下处分;Those who sell or carry dagger, three-blade knife, spring lancet or other controlled knives will at most have a record of demerit;

  第二十二条 违反学术道德行为者,视情节轻重,给予相应的纪律处分。Those who transgress academic moral will be given punishment according to circumstances as follows:

  (一)侵占、剽窃他人学术成果(包括论文成果、报告、软件程序和研究数据等),给予记过以上处分;Those who occupy and plagiarize achievements of others (including thesis, report, software program and research data, etc.), will have a record of demerit or more severe punishment

  (二)抄袭他人学术成果(包括论文成果、技术报告、软件程序和研究数据等),给予警告以上处分;Those who copy achievements of others (including thesis, report, software program and research data, etc.), will be given a warning or more severe punishment;

  (三)篡改、伪造研究数据(包括试验数据、调查数据和软件计算结果等),给予警告以上处分,造成严重后果的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who distort or forge research data (including experimental data, research data and result of software’s calculation, etc.) will be given a warning or be expelled from the University if the case is severe.

  (四)由他人代写论文、代他人写论文或组织代写论文的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who ghostwrite, organize to ghostwrite or whose thesis is found ghostwritten will be expelled from the University;

  (五)在撰写学位论文或发表论文的过程中存在金钱交易行为者,给予留校察看以上处分;Those who gets monetary exchange involved in his/her writing or publication of thesis will be given a punishment of being kept in the University under surveillance or more severe punishment;

  (六)发表学术论文时未经他人同意冠用其署名,或未经项目负责人同意标注其资助基金项目的,给予记过以上处分;Those who usurp others name or label the financial assistance program without permission of the manager of the program in thesis publication will have a record of demerit or more severe punishment;

  (七)盗用、贩卖或擅自传播课题组技术专利、专有数据、保密资料、无偿使用软件等未公开的技术成果者,给予记过以上处分,造成严重后果的,给予开除学籍处分;Those who embezzle, sell or spread technical patent, exclusive data, confidential documents and free software, etc. of study team without authorization will have a record of demerit or be expelled from the University if the case is severe.

  第二十三条 提供伪证、干扰调查工作的,给予警告以上处分。International students who give false testimony or interfere research work will be given a warning or more severe punishment.

  第二十四条 学生违反考试纪律的,分别依照《西北农林科技大学研究生课程考试违纪与作弊处理细则》和《西北农林科技大学本科考试工作条例》予以处理。International students who violate examination discipline will be punished according to Detailed Rules of Punishments on Disciplinary Violation and Cheating in Graduate Students Examinations, A&F and Regulations on Undergraduate Examination, the A&F.

  第二十五条 学生旷课或擅自离校,依照《西北农林科技大学本科生学分制学籍管理规定》给予相应纪律处分。International students who are absent from class or leave the University without permission will be given relating punishment according to Administrative Regulation on Credit System of Undergraduate, the A&F.

  第二十六条 毕业班学生办理完毕业手续,在未离校期间,有违反校纪校规行为的,按本规定处理。International students who violate any regulation during the period that they have finished their graduation procedures but still in the University will still be punished according to this regulation.

第四章 处分程序

Chapter Four Procedures of Punishment

  第二十七条 对学生进行处分依据的主要材料包括The materials on which the punishment is based include:

  (一)违纪者本人的检讨及对所犯错误事实的陈述材料;Description and reflection of disciplinary violation written by violator himself/herself;

  (二)个人或组织的证明材料;Testimony offered by violator or his/her college;

  (三)对违纪事实的调查报告;Research report on the Disciplinary Violation;

  (四)学生处分登记表;Students’ Punishment Form;

  (五)学生或者代理人的陈述和申辩材料;Description and defense materials of violator or his/her agent;

  (六)其他与违纪事实有关的材料;Other materials related to the disciplinary violation.

  第二十八条 处分按下列程序进行The procedures of punishment:

  (一)凡给予违纪学生处分的,由违纪学生所在学院(系)和有关部门查证,一般由学院(系)提出初步处理意见,学院(系)主管领导签署意见后,在要求的时间内,将调查报告、证明材料、学生处分登记表、违纪者的认识材料和学院(系)初步处理意见报学校相关学生管理部门;相关学生管理部门审核后,给予记过以下处分报学校主管领导审定,给予留校察看、开除学籍处分报校长办公会研究决定。在对学生作出处分决定之前,相关部门要安排听取学生或者代理人的陈述和申辩。Violators who are going to be punished should be investigated and verified by their colleges (departments). A tentative treatment suggestion should raised and after getting approved by the leader in charge, the research report, testimony material, students’ punishment form, reflection written by violator and the treatment suggestion should be handed to relevant student administrative department in a certain period of time; after testifying all these materials, student administrative department should report the punishment decision (record of demerit or below)to vice-presidents for final decisions and those punishments decision more severe than a record of demerit should be reported to the presidents administration meeting for final decisions. However, departments concerned should listen to the statement or defense made by violators or their agents before the punishment decisions are made.

  (二)学院(系)内学生之间发生的违纪行为,由违纪学生所在学院(系)负责调查;涉及跨学院(系)学生之间发生的违纪行为,由学生管理部门牵头,与保卫处、学生所在学院(系)共同调查;学生与教工或与其他人员之间发生的违纪行为,由保卫处牵头,学生所在学院(系)和有关学生管理部门及学校相关部门共同调查。It is the responsibility of the college to investigate and verify the violation if it occurs in this collage. Student administrative department should work with the department of security and the college (department)concerned to investigate and verify the violation if it occurs between or among the colleges (departments) and the department of security should head with the college (department)concerned and student administrative department to investigate and verify the violation if it is between students and faculty or other persons.

  (三)违纪事件发生后30个工作日内,学院(系)必须提出处理意见。A punishment suggestion should be raised by the college (department) concerned within 30 working days since the disciplinary violation occurs.

  (四)在特殊情况下,学生管理部门有权对违纪者直接提出处理意见。Student administrative department is entitled to raise punishment suggestion against violator under special circumstances.

  (五)学生受留校察看处分期间,由所在学院(系)进行考察。留校察看期满前一个月由本人写出总结汇报和解除留校察看的申请,学院签署意见,有关学生管理部门研究后,上报学校审批。It is the responsibility of the college (department)concerned to supervise the violator who is under the punishment of being kept in the University under surveillance. After the first month of being under surveillance, the violator should write a summary report and an application to release the surveillance and get approval of the college. The student administrative department will report the summary report and the application to authority for final approval after discussion.

  (六)对学生的处分决定由学校发文公布,对涉及个人隐私、国家机密等情况的处分决定,按有关规定处理。对学生的处分决定书由学院(系)负责送交本人,并由本人签字;无法直接送交的,采取适当方式在校内予以公告,30日后视同送达。学生对处分决定有异议的,可按申诉程序向学校学生申诉处理委员会提出书面申诉。The punishment decision will be publicized in formal the University document, if any punishment that refers to privacy or state secret will be treated according to relevant regulations. The punishment decision will be handed to the violator himself/herself by the college (department) and signed by the violator; if it can not be given to the violator, the punishment decision will be announced in the University in a proper way for 30 days. Any violator who disagrees with the punishment decision could make a written appeal to Students Penalty Appeal Committee according to the procedure.

  第二十九条 对外国留学生的处分决定、学生处分登记表、学生申诉复查结论等处分材料,分别真实完整地归入学校文书档案和学生本人档案。国际合作与交流处根据情况将处分决定上报教育部、陕西省教育厅、杨凌公安局入出境管理处备案,同时抄送有关使(领)馆并通知学生家长。The authentic punishment decision, students’ punishment form and appeal conclusion, etc. should be fully archived to the University and international students’ personal documents. Office of International Cooperation& Exchange will report the decision to Ministry of Education, Bureau of Education Shaanxi province and Exit-Entry Administrative Office of Yangling PSB according to actual situation and send a copy to the embassies (consulate)concerned and inform students’ parents.

  第三十条 凡被开除学籍的外国留学生,自处分决定生效之日起,即被取消学籍,解除与学校的权利与义务。杨凌公安局注销该学生的居留许可。学生应在接到处分决定起30个工作日内办理完离校手续。凡无理取闹、拒不离校者,学校和公安局将采取强制措施,限期离校。Any international student who has received the punishment of being expelled from the University will be dismissed on the day when the punishment decision comes into effect. All rights and responsibilities between international students and A&F will be terminated and his/her residence permit will be cancelled in Yangling PSB. International students should leave the University within 30 working days since receiving the punishment decision. The University and PSB will resort to coercive measures to force the students to leave within a certain time if he/she refuses to do so for no good reason.

第五章 附 则

Chapter Five Supplementary Regulation

  第三十一条 学生未经批准,擅自离校而发生意外事故的,学校不承担任何责任。University bears no responsibility for accidents of international students who leave university without permission.

  第三十二条 本规定未涉及的违纪行为,需给予处分的,参照国家有关法规、规章处理,也可参照本规定的类似条款给予处分。Any disciplinary violations that were not mentioned in this regulation should be punished according to relevant state law and regulation or the similar articles in this regulation.

  第三十三条 本规定所涉及的有关情节定性,只适用于学生违纪处分,不等同于司法解释。The decision on the nature of violation referred in this regulation only applies to the international students’ disciplinary violation. It dose not equal to the judicial interpretation.

  第三十四条 本规定中所说的“以上”、“以下”,均包括本数和本处分在内。All the “ above…” and “below..” mentioned in this regulation includes this number or this article.

  第三十五条 本规定由国际学院负责解释。The College of International Education is responsible for the interpretation of this regulation.

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