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信息索引:GJ-2015-0109014公开目录:对外交流与合作信息 - 留学生管理
第一章 总 则

Chapter One General Provisions

  第一条 为营造洁净、安宁、温馨、和谐的学习与生活环境,更好地服务于外国留学生,根据教育部及学校有关文件精神,结合《西北农林科技大学学生住宿管理规定》,特制定外国留学生公寓管理规定。This regulation is formulated according to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, P. R. China and Northwest A&F University on the basis of The Regulations for Students’ Dormitory of Northwest A&F University to provide a better service and a clean, peaceful, cozy and harmonious environment for international students to study and live at the University.

  第二条 外国留学生公寓是外国留学生学习、生活、休息的重要场所,规范管理是保障外国留学生有一个“洁净、安宁、温馨、和谐”的生活和学习环境的重要条件。International student dormitory is an important place for international students to study, live and rest at the University. Standardized management is one of the important measures to ensure a clean, peaceful, cozy and harmonious environment for international students to study and live at the A&F.

  第三条 外国留学生应当自觉遵守中国的法律、法规,遵守外国留学生公寓的各项规章制度,服从和配合各部门例行的各项检查,如房间卫生检查、设备运行检查、安全检查等。管理人员因工作需要进入房间应给予配合,不得拒绝。International students should observe Chinese laws and regulations and follow all the rules, regulations for the international student dormitory. The students should obey the management rules and cooperate with the working staffs who are performing their duties, such as the room sanitation checking, facilities operation checking and security checking etc. Active cooperation from the students should be given without any hindrances and obstructions when working staffs need to enter the room to perform their duties.

第二章 入住和退宿

Chapter Two Checking in and out

  第四条 凡在外国留学生公寓入住的外国留学生,须在国际学院缴纳住宿费后,开具入住通知单,到外国留学生公寓管理室办理入住及相关手续All the international students should pay lodging fees at the International School, get the Check-in Notice, and then check in at the custodian office of the international student dormitory.

  第五条 外国留学生入住前须签订《西北农林科技大学外国留学生公寓住宿协议》。双方共同遵守,各自履行自己的权利和义务。Before moving in, international students should sign the Accommodation Agreement of the International Student Dormitory of Northwest A&F University, Both sides are required to follow it and perform their respective rights and obligations.

  第六条 外国留学生入住须填写《外国留学生住宿登记卡》。International students should fill in International Students Residence Card.

  第七条 进入宿舍的学生对照《宿舍物品交接单》验收宿舍物品及其它设施,并与本楼管理员进行交接。The newly-accommodated students are supposed to check the articles and other facilities in the dormitory with the List of Articles of the Dormitory and make the handing-over with the custodian on duty.

  第八条 外国留学生住宿原则上安排2人/间,学期内不得申请床位调换。因特殊情况,需要一个人住一间宿舍的,可向管理人员提出申请,在宿舍条件允许的情况下,经主管部门同意,交纳相应的住宿费后,方可入住。We rrangement two students live in one room usually In case of special needs, one may have a single-bed room if there are empty rooms available. However, he/she should apply with a written request ahead and pay the extra fee.

  第九条 外国留学生结业、毕业或者按计划住满居住期限的直接到所在公寓的管理室办理正常的退宿手续。International students are supposed to go directly to the custodian office of the dormitory building for normal checking-out after completion of study, graduation or completion of the period of stay as scheduled.

  第十条 结业和毕业生必须办理完学校其他部门的手续后,凭离校单办理退宿手续,并在规定的时间内离校。Students should check out and leave the University within the stipulated period of time as required after finishing all formalities with relevant departments upon completion of study or graduation.

  第十一条 个人离校物品准备好后,请公寓管理员到本宿舍验收公共设施,若无损坏丢失,管理员收回宿舍钥匙,在《退宿验收单》上签字,到国际学院办理离校手续。Before check out, students have to get their personal belongings ready for leaving the University, then ask the custodian on duty to go to the dormitory to check if all the public materials and facilities are intact. If there is no damage and loss, the custodian will claim the room key. After signing on the Checking out Acceptance Notice, international students should go to the International College for checking out formality.

  第十二条 公共设施如有丢失、损坏,根据情况收取赔偿费。如责任不清,则由同宿舍同学共同承担。Compensation will be charged accordingly in case of any missing or damage of the public materials and facilities. If the responsibility is not clear to determine, the compensation will be undertaken equally by the relevant students sharing the dormitory.

  第十三条 同一宿舍一人退宿,则另一人在一周之内由管理员安排与他人并房。When one student checks out, a new one to share the same dormitory should be arranged to come in by the custodian within a week.

第三章 作息与会客

Chapter Three Schedule and Receiving Visitors

  第十四条 外国留学生宿舍作息时间:早6:30开门,每晚23:00锁门。外国留学生应在23:00前回到宿舍。International students living schedule: The main gate of the dormitory building is open from 6:30 to 23:00. Students should come back to the dormitory before 23:00.

  第十五条 外国留学生应保持宿舍安静,不得在宿舍内从事影响他人学习与休息的活动。外国留学生应自觉调低电视、音响等设备的音量,不得影响他人休息。Students should keep quiet and not conduct any activities that will disturb others in the dormitory. The students should keep TV and radio at low volume to avoid disturbing others.

  第十六条 外国留学生要遵守会客登记制度和会客时间。International students should observe the regulation on receiving visitors and the visiting hours.

  (一)会客时间为每天8:00-22:30 Visiting hours 8:00-22:30 everyday.

  (二)来访者须出示本人有效身份证件并登记。会客结束后,须登记离开时间。All visitors should show their valid certificates or IDs, passports, then fill in the register form. When meeting is over, the visitor should inform the leaving time to the custodian.

  (三)严格遵守会客时间,外国留学生必须配合,来访者须在规定会客时间内会客。来访者超过会客规定时间应自觉离开,否则值班人员有权敦促来访者离开。Visiting hours should be strictly observed. Visitors should leave within the stipulated time. Otherwise, the custodian on duty has the right to urge the visitors to leave.

  (四)来访者未经许可不得在宿舍留宿,否则将按照校纪校规严肃处理。Students are not allowed to keep visitors overnight in the dormitory. Any one who violates will be punished.


第四章 宿舍安全

Chapter Four Dormitory Security and Safety

  第十七条 禁止在宿舍内从事违反法律法规和校规校纪的活动。严禁私自转让和转租宿舍,严禁留宿异性。Any activities against the law and regulations are not allowed in the dormitory. International students should not transfer or sublet the designated room without authorization. Male and female students should respect each other and it is forbidden to stay overnight in the room with the other sex.

  第十八条 外国留学生应自觉提高消防意识,掌握基本的消防知识,会使用常用灭火器,熟知公寓的紧急疏散通道,疏散出口位置,爱护公寓内的消防设施、设备。禁止动用或损坏消防器材;禁止在宿舍内使用明火、焚烧纸张、燃放烟花爆竹等;禁止卧床吸烟、乱扔烟头;公寓内配有厨房,禁止在宿舍内做饭。禁止将易燃、易爆、有毒等危险物品带入公寓。International students should raise the awareness of fire prevention and be capable of using fire distinguisher. All the emergency exits in the dormitory building should be borne in mind. No damage or displacement of the fire control equipments is allowed. It is forbidden to use open fire in the dormitory such as burning paper and setting off fireworks. Do not smoke on bed and dispose the end at will. Cooking in the dormitory is forbidden since kitchen is equipped in the building. Inflammable, explosive, toxic or any dangerous substances are not allowed to take into in the dormitory.

  第十九条 外国留学生应安全用电,禁止在宿舍内私拉乱接电线、电话线、电视天线、网线;禁止违章用电;禁止损坏、拆卸、改装公寓楼内的设备和线路;禁止无故私自拆卸配电箱等公共设施等。It is forbidden to make illegal and unsafe connections of power lines, telephone line, TV antennas and Internet wires. It is also forbidden to modify and dismantle the wires for the supporting electrical appliances and distributors in the dormitory building.

  第二十条 外国留学生应妥善保管财物、现金和贵重物品,宿舍不存放大额现金和有价证券,存折(单)应加密码,假期离校时贵重物品不要存放在宿舍,应妥善保管。International students should watch closely over personal properties, cash and valuable items. The bankbook (sheet) should be kept with the password. Large sum of cash, negotiable securities and valuable properties should not be kept in dormitory, especially during the vacation.

  第二十一条 宿舍钥匙等重要物品妥善保管,不得借给他人,不得私配钥匙或更换门锁,钥匙丢失要及时到值班室办理更换手续。睡觉休息时要关好宿舍门,最后离开宿舍的学生要关好窗、锁好门。The room key should be duly kept and do not give it to others. No replica of the key and replacement of lock without authorization. In case of losing keys, international students should report to custodian on duty immediately to get new ones. The door should be duly locked before sleeping. The one who leaves room last should shut the windows and lock the door.

  第二十二条 禁止攀爬阳台和在阳台上坐立以及从阳台翻入相邻宿舍。It is strictly forbidden to climb over the balcony, sit and stand on the outside wall of balcony, and climb from the balcony over to the adjacent room.

  第二十三条 禁止携带反动、色情、淫秽书刊和声像制品进入公寓,禁止在公寓内观看和播发反动、色情、淫秽书刊或声像制品。It is strictly forbidden to store or disseminate any books, magazines or audio & video products of pornography and anti-society in the dormitory.

  第二十四条 禁止学生在公寓内进行赌博、酗酒、打架斗殴;禁止在公寓内非指定地点张贴标语、广告、大小字报;禁止在公寓内从事商业活动。Disorderly conducts such as gambling, creating disturbance after drinking, and fighting in the dormitory are strictly prohibited. Posting slogans, advertisements and posters in undesignated places and running business are all prohibited in the dormitory.

  第二十五条 爱护宿舍公物,不得随意搬动宿舍家具、电器等物品,严禁侵占任何公共财物,否则按照校规校纪严格处罚。损坏、丢失公物照价赔偿,故意损坏公物,加倍赔偿。International students should take good care of the public properties. Students can not Handle any furnitures or electrical appliances optional. Any damage should be paid for according to the price. Extra fine will be added if the damage is made intentionally.

  第二十六条 禁止在外国留学生公寓组织进行迷信与宗教活动。It is not allowed to organize any superstitious or religious activities in the dormitory.

  第二十七条 提高警惕,发现火灾隐患及时报告;发现可疑人员要盘查;发生刑事案件应立即报告并保护好现场。Students should be alert against burglars and fire. Students should report to custodians if any safety problems are found. Please interrogate when you meet a suspect person. Please report immediately and keep the scene intact when criminal case happens.

第五章 宿舍卫生

Chapter Five Room Sanitation

  第二十八条 外国留学生公寓的楼道等公共场所的卫生由学生社区中心负责,宿舍内部的卫生由入住外国留学生负责。The Student Community Center is responsible for keeping clean of public places, such as corridor and staircase while the students are responsible for keeping tidy and clean of their own rooms.

  第二十九条 自觉保持和维护公共场所及宿舍环境的卫生和秩序,不得在公共场所和楼道内堆放垃圾和存放个人物品,否则,按弃物处理。It is necessary to maintain the order and cleanness of the public places and dormitory. Trash and personal belongings should not be left in corridors. Otherwise, it will be disposed as waste.

  第三十条 集体生活举止得体,公共场所不吸烟,不酗酒、赌博,养成良好的个人卫生和生活习惯,禁止在外国留学生公寓饲养宠物。Proper behaviors are required in public. No smoking in the public places. Students should abandon bad habits such as indulging in excessive drinking and gambling, and should cultivate good habits of personal hygiene and living. No pets in the International Student Dormitory.

  第三十一条 自觉打扫宿舍卫生,主动接受和配合外国留学生公寓管理部门的监督和检查。Dormitory should be kept clean. Students should accept the supervision and inspection of administrative office willingly.

第六章 宿舍用电

Chapter Six Room Electricity

  第三十二条 外国留学生每人每月免费用电额度为40度,超出部分电费由学生自己负担。宿舍用电超出免费额度,则自动断电,外国留学生须到学生社区中心售电室办理购电手续。The electricity quota for each international student is 40 kw•h per month. Any extra use of electricity will be charged. The power will be automatically off when the quota electricity is used up. The international students can buy electricity at the office of the Student Community Center.

第七章 保修与维修

Chapter Seven Repair and Maintenance

  第三十三条 外国留学生如果发现宿舍或公共场所水、电设施设备需要维修,可报本楼值班室,由值班室负责报修,并督促维修完毕。The international students can inform the Custodian office of the building if they find out the facilities and equipment in the room or the public places requiring maintenance. The custodian will take the charge to register for repair and supervise the maintenance until its completion.

  第三十四条 在维修中,外国留学生应积极配合,尽可能为维修人员提供维修操作便利。In the course of maintenance, international students should make their positive efforts to provide convenience for the operation and maintenance to repairman.

  第三十五条 自觉节约用水用电等自然资源,用电、用水做到“随用随开,随走随关” 。Electricity and water should be used efficiently. Turn off the light and shut the water facet tightly after use.

第八章 公用厨房使用须知

Chapter Eight Public Kitchen

  外国留学生公寓内的厨房,是为方便外国留学生日常生活,为了确保安全使用,特规定如下。It is convenient for international students to cook in the kitchen of the international student dormitory building. For the sake of safety, the regulations are worked out as follows:

  (一)厨房内冰箱、微波炉、电磁炉等炊具属公共财物,任何人不得随意损坏,更不得擅自搬出厨房。如有私用或损坏者,原价赔偿。All the equipment and utensils such as fridge, microwave oven and electromagnetic stove in the kitchen are public property. Please use them properly to avoid damage. Do not take them out of the kitchen. Compensation will be claimed in case of damage.

  (二)使用微波炉、电磁炉时必须按正常操作规程进行,使用完毕,一定要做到随手关掉电源。如出现故障,要及时报告值班人员。The microwave oven and the electromagnetic stove must be operated according to the directions. The power should be cut off after using. Report to custodian if any malfunctions are found.

  (三)应自觉保持厨房内卫生,请将废弃物放在垃圾桶里。Please keep the kitchen tidy and clean. Put the trash into the dustbin.

  (四)做饭时,不要离开厨房,以免发生火灾。Do not leave kitchen while cooking.

  (五)做完饭后,要关闭电器开关,拔掉电源插头,整理好灶台等共公用品。离开时应将自己的物品带出,不随意将自己的餐具长期摆放在厨房内,以免影响其他同学使用。如随意摆放私人物品,并不听劝阻,工作人员有权对所放物品进行处理。After cooking, all the electrical appliances should be turned off and unplugged. Clean the cooking platform and set the utensils in order. Please do not put personal articles in the kitchen for a long time. The custodians are entitled to handle the unclaimed articles in the kitchen.

  (六)厨房用电为有偿使用。请到值班室领卡购电。做饭前在厨房任意卡式电表中插入电卡取电,在卡式电表编号相对应的插座编号处用电做饭,做完饭后再在相同的电表中插卡断电。The electricity in the kitchen should be paid for cooking. Please buy the electricity card from the office in the International Student Dormitory. Before cooking, please insert the electricity card into one of the electric meters and then use the relevant socket to cook. Electricity card should be inserted into the electric meter again to turn off the power when you finish your cooking.

第九章 公寓活动室使用须知

Chapter Nine Public Activities Rooms

  (一)爱护公物,不要随意拆卸、更换、挪动会议桌、电视机、计算机及其附属设备。发现公物损坏,请及时报修。Please take good care of the public properties. Any dismantlement, change or displacement of meeting table, TV set, printer, computers and their accessories are not allowed. If damage or malfunctions of these equipments are found, please claim for repair in time.

  (二)如果多人需要使用计算机时,每个学生不得超过一个小时。If more students want to use computer at the time, please try to finish your accessing in less time and not hold on to the computer more than one hour.

  (三)请不要将自己需要的文件、数据等保存在计算机上。使用完计算机,请关闭电源,放好键盘、耳机、椅子。Please do not save your personal important files or data in the computers. After using the computer, students should turn the computer off and set the keyboard, earphone and chair in order.

  (四)遵守网络安全规定,不利用网络制作、复制、发布、传播有害信息。Please observe the regulations on cyber-security. It is strictly forbidden to produce, copy, release or disseminate any harmful information.

  (五)请不要将报纸和杂志带出活动室,阅读完放回报架,以便其它学生阅读。Please do not take newspapers and magazines out of the Public Activities Room. Put them back on to the newspaper rack after reading.

  (六)在活动室看电视请尽量调低声音,以免影响其他同学活动。Volume should be turned relatively low when watching TV in the public Activities Room so as not to disturb others.

第十章 公寓洗衣机的使用须知

Chapter Ten Washing Machine

  要爱护洗衣机,保持清洁,以便他人使用。禁止用洗衣机洗鞋等其他硬物,因个人使用不当造成洗衣机的损坏者,我们将根据情节予以罚款。Please take good care of washing machines and keep clean for others to use. Washing machines are not designed for washing shoes and other hard articles. Any damage resulted from improper use should be compensated accordingly.

  洗衣机使用说明Directions for using washing machine:洗衣机为投币式,每桶每次三元硬币Washing machines are coin-operated. Each time 3 one-Yuan coins are needed.

  到值班室兑换零币—放好衣物—打开龙头—投入三枚硬币—洗衣开始—四十五分钟后取出晾晒Change coins at the custodian room---put the clothes into the washing machine --- switch on the tap---insert 3 one-Yuan coins---- press the button to start washing---45 minutes later, take out the clothes to dry.

第十一章 附 则

Chapter Eleven Supplementary Provisions

  第三十六条 凡违犯上述规定者,视情节轻重根据《外国留学生违纪处分条例》给与相应处理。Any violations to the above-mentioned provisions are subject to punishment according to the Regulation on Disciplinary Measures of International students.

  第三十七条 本规定适用于在外国留学生公寓居住的各类长短期外国留学生。This regulation shall apply to the all kinds of long-term and short-term international students accommodating the International Student Dormitory.

  第三十八条 本规定由国际学院、后勤服务中心负责解释。The International School and Logistics Service Center are responsible for interpreting of this regulation.

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