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信息索引:GJ-2015-0109016公开目录:对外交流与合作信息 - 留学生管理

  为加强外国留学生的日常管理,规范外国留学生的请假行为,保障外国留学生教育教学等日常管理工作的正常进行,特制定本办法。In order to enhance the daily management of foreign students, regulate their behaviors of asking for leave, protect the normal education administration system, these procedures are enacted.

  第一条 外国留学生在校学习期间,应集中精力学习,积极参加各项集体活动,争取做到不请假、不缺课。 while foreign students are studying in the university, they should concentrate on learning, actively participate in many kinds of activities, do asking for leave and missing classes as less as possible.

  第二条 因故不能参加学校规定的教育教学活动,必须履行请假手续。If foreign students are unable to attend classes and other activities provided by university, it is necessary to ask for leave.

  第三条 请假理由必须真实,对弄虚作假的,要进行批评教育,直至给予纪律处分。Reasons for leave must be true, if not, it will result in different consequences, from criticism to disciplinary action.

  第四条 外国留学生请假分公假、病假、事假等三种。There are three kinds of leave for foreign students: public holiday leave, sick leave, personal leave.

  公假即因外出参加学校组织会议与相关活动,无法在校学习而提出的请假。Public holiday leave is due to the attending of organized conference and related activities in the school can’t be available in the school;

  病假即因身体健康原因无法参加学校课程教育教学而提出的请假。Sick leave is due to health reasons, unable to participate in the curriculum;

  事假即因个人或家庭亲属的重大事件无法参加学校课程教育教学而提出的请假。Personal leave is due to the important events related with family members and relatives, unable to participate in the curriculum.

  第五条 严格遵循报批原则,批假必须坚持实事求是原则,严格按审批权限和程序逐级审批。Applicant must strictly obey the principle of leave approval, authority grant leave must base on the truth, following strict examination and procedures.

  5.1汉语学习阶段学生请假由国际学院审批;专业学习阶段学生请假专业学院负责审批,国际学院备案。Chinese learning stage student’s leave approvaled by International school; major learning stage student’s approvaled by their major college.

  5.2请假人提交书面假条,说明请假的原因和时间,并报审批人申签。Applicant submits a written application for leave to the office and wait for approval signature, indicating the reasons and time for leave.

  5.3请假时间不超过半天且不离开学校的,请假报汉语教研室或外国留学生导师审批,并报国际学院办公室备案。If apply less than a half-day leave in the university, submit leave application to department of Chinese language or foreign student’s supervisor, meanwhile the record will be kept in the International Office.

  5.4请假时间在半天以上两天以内且不外出杨凌示范区的,请假申请提交外国留学生辅导员,由外国留学生辅导员审批并备案。If apply more than a half day and less than two days’ leave within Yangling District, submit leave application to foreign students counselor, who will in charge of approval and record keep.

  5.5请假时间在三天以上一周以内或外出杨凌示范区5天以内的请假,必须报外国留学生导师同意,并根据情况报国际学院或专业学院审批。 If apply more than three days to one week leave, or within five days leave out of Yangling District, it must get agreement form foreign student’s supervisor firstly, and then Chinese learning stage student submit leave to International School, others submit leaves to major college.

  5.6请假时间超过一周且不超过正常教学周数1/3或外出杨凌示范区超过5天的请假,必须报外国留学生导师同意后,根据情况报国际学院或专业学院审批。If apply more than a week as well as no more than 1/3 of total lessons leave, or more than 5 days out of Yangling District, it must get agreement following the same procedure as article 5.5.

  5.7不论何种原因学期内连续或累计请假时间超过当学期正常教学周数1/3的,应当办理休学手续。For whatever reason, if the accumulated leave is more than 1/3 of total lessons in a normal semester, the student should be arranged to take off procedures.

  第六条 上课期间,因病、因事临时请假,可直接向当堂任课教师请假,任课教师可视具体情况决定是否准假。事后,请假人应当及时向外国留学生辅导员说明情况并补办请假手续。During the course, foreign students can directly apply to classroom teachers due to illness and temporary absence, classroom teachers can decide whether to approve or not, depending on the particular circumstances. Later, the applicant should promptly explain to foreign student counselor and retroactive leave procedures.

  第七条 在校外参加实习、竞赛、调查等学校集体活动期间,应遵守实习纪律,因特殊情况需请假者,由实习单位或带队教师批准。While participating in off-campus internship, competitions, surveys, school group activities, foreign students should comply with practice discipline. Due to special circumstance for leave, the trainee teachers and units should in charge of the leave approval.

  第八条 考试期间,一般不予请假,如有特殊情况需持证明提出书面申请,并经主管教学的学院领导同意,办理有关缓考手续后履行请假手续,未经批准而擅自不参加考试者,一律按旷考处理。During the examination period, generally it is not allowed to leave, if under special circumstance, applicant must submit written application proved by authority, after the agreement of Dean of International School, do the “Delay Test” procedure as well as leave procedure. If not attending examination without approval, the students will get “Absent Test” treatment.

  第九条 请病假需有校医院或县级以上医院出具的病情诊断证明书。Sick leave requires the diagnosis certificate issued by university hospital or above the county level hospitals.

  第十条 特殊情况下,因故不能事前请假,必须电话告知国际学院,说明理由,回校后持相关证明办理补假手续。Under special circumstances, students unable to ask for leave in advance, he must inform International School via telephone, explain the reasons and retroactive leave procedures.

  第十一条 需延长假期者,在请假期满以前说明理由,持有关证明申请续假,否则按旷课处理。If need to extend the leave, the applicant should explain before the expiry date, and apply prolong leave with relevant certifications, or he will get “Absent Class” treatment.

  第十二条 请假期满后,请假人必须亲自到学院办公室及时办理销假手续,否则按旷课处理。未销假或未办理续假手续,按实际上课时数计算旷课,在一学期内累计旷课达到一定学时,按学籍管理有关规定处理。When the leave date expires, the applicant must go to International School to finish the elimination procedure, and otherwise he will get “Absent Class” treatment. Without elimination procedure, the “Absent Class” is calculated by the number of hours actually absent, accumulated absent hours in a certain semester will be applied to relevant regulation according to school management.

  第十三条 未经请假、请假未准、请假期满未办理正常续假手续等没有参加正常教学活动的学生,按违纪处分有关规定处理。Students who do not attend normal educational activities without asking for leave and doing prolong procedure will be treated as “Absent Class”, they will be punished according to relevant precisions.

  第十四条 从严控制外国留学生外出请假,确需外出请假的,必须由请假人本人提出书面申请,说明请假理由、前往地点、联系人及联系方式、使用交通工具等。It is strictly controlled of foreign students’ asking for leave out of YangLing, if necessary, must submit a written application for leave himself, indicating the reasons, locations, contact person, contact information, the use of transports.

  第十五条 本办法适用于在我校正式注册的外国留学生。The procedures apply to our university officially registered foreign students.

  第十六条 本办法自发布之日起执行,由国际学院解释。These articles will go into effect after its publication, by the College of International Education.

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